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Landmark Legislation Sets National Standards To Safeguard Voting Rights

Freedom to Vote Act introduced to protect elections and increase voter access

Landmark legislation sets national standards to safeguard voting rights

Bill addresses voter suppression, partisan sabotage, gerrymandering, and dark money

Washington, DC – Senate Democrats led by Sen. Amy Klobuchar have introduced the Freedom to Vote Act, a comprehensive pro-democracy legislation that aims to protect and expand access to the ballot.

The bill establishes baseline national standards to safeguard voting access, prevent partisan interference, and strengthen American democracy. It builds upon the For the People Act, which passed the House in March but stalled in the Senate.

The Freedom to Vote Act addresses a wide range of issues that have threatened the integrity of elections, including:

  • Voter suppression: The bill would prohibit restrictive measures like voter ID laws, cuts to early voting, and purges of voter rolls.
  • Partisan sabotage: The bill would create independent redistricting commissions to prevent gerrymandering, which is the practice of drawing electoral districts to favor one party over another.
  • Dark money: The bill would increase transparency and accountability in political spending by requiring disclosure of donors behind "dark money" groups that attempt to influence elections without revealing their funding sources.

The Freedom to Vote Act has received widespread support from voting rights advocates, who believe it is essential to protect the integrity of elections and ensure that every eligible American has the opportunity to vote.
